• Basic Classroom Rules




    Treat others as you would like to be treated.


    Follow all handbook policies - especially dealing with student discipline!!

    Respect, Responsible, Safe and Ready to Learn!!

    If you are absent, you have 2 days to make up any missed work. It is THE STUDENT’S responsibility to get any missed work from me.

    You are considered tardy if you are not in the room WHEN the bell rings. If you are more than 10 minutes late, you are considered absent. See the handbook for rules on tardiness and absences.

    You may sit where you wish. If you are bothering others in the class, you will be moved permanently to a seat of the MY choice.


    Computer Lab Rules 

    No Internet Game Playing—Internet Games are dumb UNLESS we program them ourselves!!!

    No Online/Computer Activities the Teacher Finds Questionable (Remember, I am from the “Old” School!)

    Always Follow the Rules in the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

    No Electronic Devices Used Unless for Class Activities Outlined by the Teacher—Put Devices in the Appropriate “Pocket” When Entering the Classroom.

    If Seen/Used when not approved, the device will be taken and given to the office for retrieval outside of class time.

    Any infractions will be dealt with as outlined in the AUP

    Any disciplinary matters will follow what is outlined in the Student Handbook