

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Farrand

My name is Martha Farrand.  I'm in my tenth year of teaching at Whitehall Schools.  This will be my second year as a fourth grade teacher.  My goal throughout the year is to come alongside the children with encouragement as they learn to take more and more ownership of their own learning.

I have been married for 29 years, and have four sons, three daughters-in-law, and five grandchildren, with another due mid-September.

I enjoy sewing, which most recently has included making a quilt for each of my daughters-in-law and grandchildren.  During the summer I spend a great deal of time working in my yard during the cool-morning hours.  I look forward to weekend campouts and being in the woods.  I enjoy time with our dogs:  Jake, a golden retriever,  Murphy, a brindle mastiff and Waylon, a bloodhound.

I also enjoy exercising.  It might be a wog (combination walk/jog) in the cool of the morning, a ride on my 30 year old mountain bike, or exercising to a video. Staying physically active and fit is a priority in my life.  Since beginning a serious walking/jogging exercise regime two summers ago, I continue to enjoy participating in 5k fun runs.  In June I finished 13/67 in my age group.  My goal for next year is to finish in the top ten of my age group.

I must admit that I look forward to that first fire of the season to be lit in the wood stove.  Come fall and winter I'll look forward to longer evenings indoors. I'll grind grain, bake bread, and do my correcting in front of the fire.    

Last Modified on August 14, 2018